Wasp Nest Removal Worthing

A Quality Service for Residential and Commercial Customers

Call us on 01293 365140


A thriving wasp nest during the peak of summer in Worthing can be home to over a thousand wasps. Once your wasp nest gets out of control, no one is safe. Certain species of wasps in the UK are also known for attacking, even if they are not feeling threatened. This is why most of our customers in the Worthing area get their wasp nest removed early before the wasps start to cause them more unnecessary trouble and stress.

Dangers of Having Active Wasp Nests on Your Property

During the first couple of weeks, wasp and hornet nests can be a nuisance. This is the time when it's best to remove them as they haven't developed and are yet to start causing chaos in the area. Should you decide to neglect the wasp nest, you can expect:

  • Increased risk of getting attacked and stung
  • Increased chance of analeptic shock, which can prove fatal
  • Increased risk of food contamination and spread of diseases
  • Damage to the structural integrity of your property
  • Displacement of bees and other insects that live in the local ecosystem
  • If you're a business, a thriving wasp nest can lead to loss of customers and revenue

Common Signs of a Wasp Nest

The large majority of times, you will know if you have a wasp nest on your property. However, if for whatever reason you aren't quite sure, look out and listen for the following:

  • Worker wasps coming in and out of a particular place all the time
  • Seeing papery material in one specific area of your property
  • Hearing a low or high buzzing sound from one place
  • Signs of chewed wood, especially in places such as your attic space
  • You can see one or multiple queen wasps flying around

With that said, please refrain from trying to find the exact location of the wasp nest. The last thing we want is for you to get attacked, stung, and left dealing with the painful consequences that come with a sting from a wasp.

How Our Worthing Wasp Nest Removal Service Works

Our wasp nest removal specialists in the Worthing area always follow the safest and most humane approach when dealing with any case of wasp infestation. Instead of using any harmful chemicals or pesticides, we'll resolve your wasp problem completely manually. That way, no other insects in the area will be affected and you can start using your property as you normally would.

Our service is also quick, minimally disruptive, and professional throughout. Following the successful removal of your wasp nest, our experts will give you additional advice on how to prevent or deal with future wasp nest infestations.

Enquire about Wasp Nest Removal Worthing

Don't wait until it's too late. Contact our pest control specialists today and get your wasp nest removed.

Wasp Nest Removal Worthing FAQs

The wasp removal process will take anywhere from an hour to a few hours. What will determine this includes the size, location, and species of wasps that live in the nest. Nests that are built inside your property are the hardest to remove as we don't want to damage your property during the process.

On the day of your appointment, our team will be able to give you a better idea of how long the wasp nest removal will take. It's worth mentioning that all wasp nest removal services conducted by our specialists will be done in the least invasive and disruptive manner possible.

Our wasp control experts won't damage any part of your property during the nest removal process. With that said, if you've had the wasp nest on your property for a while, the wasps might have caused some structural damage, which will need to be looked at. During the removal process, our team will take a look around and see if there is anything you need to be aware of.

If a colony of wasps found your property interesting one time, there's no guarantee that a different wasp colony won't follow suit. Having dealt with wasps for many years, we know exactly what wasps look for when choosing a location (water, food, nest-building resources, and shelter). So, to prevent a wasp nest problem in the future, we advise that you:

  • Regularly clean all surfaces where food is handled
  • Don't leave any food or garbage in areas that are easily accessible
  • Remove any active or inactive wasp nests and replace them with dummy nests
  • Plant mint or thyme in your garden. Wasps hate them