Wasp Nest Removal Maidstone

Fast and Reliable Service for Your Home or Business

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The average wasp nest in the UK houses a colony of a few hundred wasps. And the longer you let the wasp nest thrive, the bigger your wasp problem will get. It's not uncommon for some wasp nests to house over a thousand wasps, which can become a serious problem for residents and commercial businesses. Fortunately, our wasp control services are always at hand, so if you need nest removal in Maidstone, we're just a phone call away.

Most Common Signs There's a Wasp Nest Close By

The best way to know you have a nest on your property is to see a good chunk of it or see it in its entirety. This is often possible if the wasp nest is situated on a tree branch or is hanging from the roof of your property.

Unfortunately, most species of wasps in the UK prefer to nest in more hidden places such as your attic, inside the walls of your property, and even underground. This is mostly due to the harsh weather conditions in the UK during the colder months of the year. As a result property owners without experience in dealing with wasps can find it tricky to determine if there is a wasp nest nearby. In such case, we recommend you look and listen out for the following signs:

  • Chewed wood (fences, elements in your property, and more)
  • A constant buzzing sound coming from one direction
  • You constantly have to deal with a large number of wasps all the time

Why Removing Wasp Nests is Always the Right Thing to Do

Having wasps around your property can be beneficial. They are great at keeping the population of caterpillars and other insects in your garden at bay. However, in the large majority of cases, wasps cause more harm than good. Some examples include:

  • Damage to the structure of your property (they will chew all wooden elements of your property to gather resources for their nest)
  • Increased risk of getting stung or attacked by wasps
  • They will displace most insects in the area, including bees
  • Certain species of wasps are very aggressive and will attack in numbers without a reason

How Our Wasp Control Service Works

There are many effective wasp nest treatments out there, but we strongly believe that the approach we use with our wasp removal services is the safest and most humane. Upon arriving at your property, if the wasp nest isn't already located, our team will locate it and identify the species of wasps they're dealing with.

This process is essential not only for our risk assessment but for deciding on the best plan of action. We take a different approach depending on the location of the wasp nest and the species we're dealing with. Feel free to ask our team on the day about the approach they're taking for your particular case.

Enquire about Wasp Nest Removal Maidstone

Don't wait until the wasp problem grows bigger. Get in touch with us today and let us deal with the wasps before they get out of control.

Wasp Nest Removal Maidstone FAQs

Yes, you can do it yourself, but we strongly advise against it, especially if you have no prior experience in dealing with wasps. Certain species of wasps are extremely aggressive and will attack in numbers, and the last thing you want is to go through the pain and suffering of a wasp sting.

Our wasp control specialists have years of experience in handling wasps and access to the best protective clothing and equipment on the market. As a result, we can safely and effectively remove the hornet nest alongside all its inhabitants without anyone getting hurt.

Yes, we have always served domestic and commercial properties in Maidstone and will continue to do so in the future. Whether you own a small cottage that has been infested with wasps or an ice cream store that wasps find to be of particular interest, we can help resolve your problems with wasps for good.

Though you can't 100% prevent wasps from coming back in the future, there are many different steps that you can take to make your property undesirable. We always advise our customers to:

  • Plug, fill up, or block all small entry points or cracks on their property.
  • Stop leaving food (especially if it contains sugar) unattended for a long period of time.
  • Regularly wash the surfaces at your property where you eat or handle food.
  • Remove any active or inactive wasp nests in and around your property.
  • Use an effective wasp control treatment

By making your property harder to access and stripping the wasps away from all the essential resources they need, the chances of them nesting nearby will be brought down to a mini