Wasp Nest Removal Haslemere

A Safe and Effective Solution to Active Wasp Nests

Call us on 01293 365140


Neglecting an existing wasp nest is never a good idea. If it hasn't already, eventually, it will get out of control and start to cause you a lot of trouble, including: 

  • Permanent damage to any wooden elements of your property
  • Increase your risk of getting stung and risking an allergic reaction
  • Your day-to-day life will be disrupted
  • If you're a beekeeper or have other insects on your property, they can be forced away
  • Loss of customers and revenue (for businesses)

Advice the British Pest Control Association Gives on Dealing With Wasp Infestations

Though removing wasps is illegal in many countries, it's 100% legal to do so here in the UK. The British Pest Control Association (BPCA) has not made a clear statement on the best way to go about removing a wasp nest and its inhabitants. So it's up to you and your professional service provider to decide on the best course of action.

When it comes to wasp infestations, they have given five points to consider when dealing with such a pest problem, including:

  • Identify the problem: The first step to dealing with any problem is identifying that you actually have one.
  • Never disturb the nest: If you know there is a wasp nest on your property, never go near it as you may get attacked and stung.
  • Always seek professional help: Though you can use insecticides, the BPCA always recommends that you seek professional help that can address the wasp infestation problem.
  • Prevention is key: The best way to deal with any pest problem and prevent damage to your property is by not having it in the first place.

Reason for Using a Professional Wasp Control Company

Though removing a wasp nest might seem like a pretty straightforward job, it's not, and we don't recommend that you give it a try yourself. Here are some reasons why you should always seek the professional help of wasp removal technicians from Haslemere.

  • You don't need to put yourself at any risk of getting stung by trying to remove the nest yourself.
  • You won't have to invest hundreds of pounds in buying the correct protective clothing.
  • The specialist on the day will remove the wasp nest and its inhabitants in the most humane way possible.
  • An experienced technician will remove the wasp nest without causing any damage to your property.
  • You will get free advice following the service on how to prevent a wasp infestation in the future.

How Our Pest Control Services in Haslemere Work

Prior to our service taking place and giving you total peace of mind, you will get a free quote for the job. If you're happy, our team will come out at the agreed day and time and deliver a great service.

On the day of your appointment, the first thing our team will do is locate the exact place of the wasp nest and identify the species of wasps that inhabit it. Then, our experts will let you step aside before manually removing the nest and the wasps.

Please bear in mind that we don't use any harmful chemicals that can impact you, your pets, or other insects in the area following our service. We're immensely proud of taking the manual approach and will continue to do so as it is the most humane way of doing our job.

Enquire about Wasp Nest Removal Haslemere

Don't wait until it's too late. Contact our pest control specialists today and have your wasp nest removed.

Wasp Nest Removal Haslemere FAQs

We strongly advise against undertaking the wasp nest removal process on your own. This is especially relevant if you don't have the correct protective clothing and experience dealing with wasps. Getting close and irritating the nest will get you stung many times, and if you're allergic, it can be fatal. Let our pest control specialists deal with the unwanted pests on your property for you.

If we have a slot, you can book our pest control services for the same day. With that said, this can be quite tricky to achieve during the peak of summer when our services are in most demand.

For that reason, if you need a wasp nest removal as soon as possible, please get in touch with us. Our team will be able to give you a better idea of our exact availability for today and the coming days.

There is no guarantee that wasps won't decide to make your property their nesting spot again following our pest control service. However, there are many steps that you can take in order to minimise your chances, such as:

  • Sealing all gaps on the exterior of your house or commercial property
  • Removing real wasp nests and replacing them with dummy ones
  • Regularly and thoroughly clean all surfaces on your property
  • Don't let food or garbage sit in areas that are easily accessible