Wasp Nest Removal Redhill

Helping You Get Rid of Wasps for Good

Call us on 01293 365140


During the peak of the summer, a thriving wasp nest can inhabit upwards of a thousand wasps at any one time. And as you can imagine, having that many wasps flying around your residential or commercial property is far from ideal. That's why it's best to get rid of the wasp nest as soon as you notice it and before it starts to become truly dangerous for everyone around.

The Dangers of Wasp Nests & Why We Remove Them

If you're a farmer or you like to grow crops on your residential property, a decent population of wasps in the area can actually be beneficial. However, for 99% of residential and commercial property owners in Redhill, wasps are nothing but a nuisance. That's the case at least until the colony of wasps living in the nest multiplies in size several times over the coming weeks.

Then, you have a wasp nest that is totally out of control, which can become very dangerous, for a number of reasons. For one, the chances of you, your family, customers, or pets getting stung will dramatically increase. Not to mention that a wasp sting can lead to a life-threatening allergic reaction, which is an entirely different reason why wasp nests are always removed.

Aside from the general health risk of having a wasp nest on your property, wasps can also contaminate food, displace the local bee population, and even damage the structural integrity of your property by chewing away all the wooden elements.

How to Know That You Have a Wasp Nest on Your Property

Specifically in the United Kingdom, seeing a nest hanging from a tree branch or from the side of your property is a pretty rare sight. As a result, figuring out if you have a nest on your property can be pretty challenging. If you suspect to have a wasp nest on your property, look and listen out for the following signs:

  • Wooden elements around your property look deformed or chewed away.
  • An abnormally high number of wasps flying around your property all the time.
  • A buzzing sound comes from a single location, such as underground, up in your attic space, or in the cavity wall.

How Our Wasp Nest Removal Process in Redhill Works

We take immense pride in the way we handle the common wasp in Redhill and the problem this wasp species causes our customers each year. Rather than using highly dangerous chemicals or pesticide treatment, we stick to the basics and remove wasp nests and their inhabitants the manual way.

Following the initial risk assessment, our specialist's exact approach will depend on the size of the wasp nest, where it's located, and the species of wasps you're dealing with. What you need to know is that it is 100% humane and safe for everyone around.

Enquire about Wasp Nest Removal Redhill

Don't neglect the removal of your wasp nest and risk getting stung. Get in touch with our wasp control specialists today.

Wasp Nest Removal Redhill FAQs

It's best to remove a wasp nest as soon as you see one or suspect that you have one on your property. This is because wasps can multiply in numbers over a period of a few weeks, and you may end up with a thriving wasp nest with hundreds of wasps flying around and impacting your day-to-day life.

As far as the actual best time to remove a wasp nest - that would be during the evening or nighttime when wasps are less active. This is also the time when temperatures drop, which makes wasps more sluggish.

While it is totally possible to remove a wasp nest without the help of a pest control specialist, we strongly advise against it. Removing a wasp nest without prior experience or the correct protective clothing can quickly go downhill, and leave you with many painful stings, or worse, a life-threatening allergic reaction.

Our team of specialists is not only trained and very experienced in dealing with all species of wasps, but also has the right protective clothing and equipment. That way, no matter the size and location or species of wasps that live in the nest, we are prepared to safely handle your wasp problem without risking anyone getting hurt.

Whether you're allergic to wasps or not, it's always best to keep your distance as much as you can. This is because some species of wasps are far more aggressive than others, and can attack without being threatened. Aside from keeping your distance, make sure you:

  • Apply insect repellent when outside or around the wasps
  • Wear long-sleeve clothing as much as you can
  • Clean all surfaces and not give wasps a reason to hang around