Bee Nest Removal Weybridge

A Fast & Reliable Service for Your Home or Business

Call us on 01293 365140


Dealing with an active beehive on your property is not a fun experience. When the beehive is left untreated, it can become not only a major inconvenience but be dangerous for you and everyone around you. That's why we always recommend our customers to take action against their beehive as soon as possible by hiring a local swarm collector.

Reasons Why People Remove Their Beehives

For residents, an active beehive can be anything from a nuisance to unnecessary exposure to the life-threatening risk of death following a bee sting (for those who are allergic). In case of businesses, aside from the above, an active beehive is also removed to prevent unsatisfied customers and loss of revenue. In rare cases, an active beehive can lead to potential legal trouble if an unfortunate event were to take place with an employee or a customer on their business premises.

Beehives are a very individual experience, and people from Weybridge and the surrounding area get rid of them for a variety of reasons. So, whether a beehive on your property is bugging you or you feel threatened by it and want it gone, these are valid enough reasons to take action against it.

Signs Honey Bees Are Nesting on Your Property

If you don't have any prior experience dealing with bees, it may be tricky to know if you have an active beehive on your property. Aside from being able to see the beehive with your own eyes, some other signs you should pay attention to include:

  • Traces of beeswax present all over your property
  • A never-ending buzzing sound coming from a single direction such as your attic space
  • Bees flying in and out of the same place such as your roof tiles
  • Higher than normal bee activity

How Our Bee Nest Removal Service in Weybridge Works

Whether you're one of the leading Weybridge beekeepers, an owner of a food truck, or a normal resident of the area, anyone can take advantage of our bee removal service. To do so, please get in touch either by calling us on 01293 365140 or emailing us at

Once we've discussed your case, we will give you a competitively priced quote. And if you're happy to proceed, we'll book you in for a time and day that is most convenient for you.

Once on your property, our team will first locate the beehive (as not all bees nest in the same place) and identify the species of bees that inhabit it. Then, they'll get to work and will only finish once the very last bee has been caught. The entire process can take anywhere between 45 to 90 minutes.

Enquire about Bee Nest Removal Weybridge

Don't wait to suffer the consequences of a thriving beehive. Get in touch and let our professional pest controllers take care of your bee colony for you.

Bee Nest Removal Weybridge FAQs

The first and most obvious sign is the shape of the nest. Beehives are round or oval while wasp nests are shaped like a teardrop. The second best way to tell the difference is the location of the nest. Bees prefer to nest indoors while wasps prefer to nest outdoors. Some additional ways to tell a beehive from a wasp nest include:

  • The material it's made out of (bees use wax which they produce while wasps use paper-like material)
  • The number of entrances (beehives typically have one while wasp nests have multiple)
  • Number of insects that inhabit the nest (bees live in large colonies while wasps prefer to live in smaller groups)

If you are not allergic to bees, a single sting from a bee can be painful and lead to redness, itchiness, and swelling in the affected area. If you are allergic, however, things are very different and you should be extremely careful around bees, wasps, and other such insects.

This is because a single sting can lead to an allergic reaction, which can be fatal. According to reports, between 2 and 9 people die from bee or wasp stings each year in the UK.

We always try to accommodate our customers and come at a day and time that best works for them. In some cases (subject to availability), our beehive removal technicians can come out to your property the very same day. When we are very busy, however, your appointment may need to be scheduled for tomorrow or a few days in the future.

To find out what the exact availability of our experts is for today and the upcoming couple of days, please get in touch with us today. You can do so either by calling us on 01293 365140 or emailing us at